Cleaning that shit was hard, yo.
That said, I'm pretty certain that the next time somebody walks into my bedroom, the first thought that comes to mind will not be "Did somebody run thru here vomiting?"
I'm sending this to the Resolve carpet cleaner company. Hopefully they'll use it as ad copy.
So, I'm officially declaring my spot clean from the flu incident. I know you were all concerned.
In other news, score another one for teen beauty queens!
According to CNN, Miss Teen Louisiana lost her crown due to an arrest that stemmed from walking out on a restaurant tab, and possession of marijuana. She was arrested when she returned to the restaurant to claim her pocketbook, which contained the weed.
I'll say this again, because it bears repeating.
She walked out on her tab.
And left her pocketbook.
In which she was carrying weed.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am no hardened criminal. I do not advocate drug use, nor walking out on tabs. BUT. If you must, please please please do not be stupid enough to leave a bag full of ID and controlled substances behind, let alone go back for it.
People wonder what's wrong with this country.
First blog post
8 years ago
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