Due to repeated requests to bring my other blargh, East Austin Stories back, and the fact that I've stopped writing pretty much completely for a few months, I decided to start posting a blog again. But I didn't really want to pick up the old one for a couple reasons:
- Livejournal is kinda wack compared to blogger.
- The format of EAS was kinda limiting...it was all little short stories/vignettes, and sometimes I wanna do something else.
So this is the new home of my babbling on the internet. It'll have some stories, but also other content including opinions, other web content I find entertaining, and probably a few advertisements for things I'm involved in. In short, I've made it more...um...bloggy.
Anyway, I hope you like what you see, and I promise, unlike my first blog, to update this one at least 3 times a week. Scout's honar. Lemme know what's good.
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