Monday, February 26, 2007

RIP Nate Dogg (1995 - 2007)

Its the end of an era. My African Fat-Tail Gecko, Nate Dogg, passed away yesterday. He was 11.

Quiet, but a good friend to those who knew him, Nate was always laid back and easy-going. I got him when I was in elementary school, and its kinda weird that he's not there to snatch wax worms out of my hand anymore.

He is preceded in death by his baby's mom, Oprah (1998-2000). I hope the two of them are getting crunk somewhere in gecko heaven (Need a little gecko heaven...).

I have no immediate plans to get a new gecko, but I may, eventually. I'll be lucky if he lives as long and happy a life as this fool though. Godspeed, Nate.

As his epitaph, I'll use the line I found written on a post-it note stuck on his cage by my then-girlfriend:

"All the true gangstas know, Nate ain't never love no hoe..."


Anonymous said...

Loved the epitaph! RIP Nate Dogg...-eep

rebecca said...

RIP Nate :(
my condolences, j.