11:48 PM on Wednesday night, and I have 28 mins to go before my wash is ready to move to the dryer. Why, you ask, am I starting laundry at this ungodly hour? Did I have a major, time-consuming project all night? Was I in the company of good friends and beautiful women? No. I'm doing it now because Daniel Day Lewis ain't got shit on me (ol' ten years between movies ass muh fuh). It was ready to go at about 9:30, but somehow, between searching for jobs online (please, lawd), and bullshitting on IM...not so much. But, these clothes must get cleaned, and if I gotta stay up till 2 to do it...welp...
In other news, the new Erykah is nice. Real nice. Full review to follow sometime soon.
I'm gonna pass out though before these clothes get clean. I'm too old for this shit.